Protect your trademark

Research, register and enforce your trademark rights.

Register your trademark ›

Research & register your Trademark

Determine if your trademark is clear, then apply for registration for an exclusive right to your trademark.

  • Federal Trademark Protection Service $395 + gov't fees
    Everything you need to research and register your trademark with the USPTO. Protect your most important asset.
    • Comprehensive Trademark Search
    • Easily change or modify trademark before filing (if trademark is taken, etc.)
    • DIY software prep and submittal of your federal trademark app to the USPTO
    • Registration Application
    • Online account access for status updates
    • Monitoring of Trademark Application through process
    • Additional offer from Vie Legal advertising.

      - Free! Consultation and Opinion from Vie Legal advertising Attorney*

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Trademark?

    A Trademark is a word, name, symbol, design, phrase or sound that identifies a business organization, or its products or services, and distinguishes it from other business organizations. Learn more
  • Why run a Trademark Search?

    You need to know if the trademark is being used by someone else. Learn more
  • Why register my Trademark?

    Registering a Trademark puts the world on notice that you are using the mark, that it is your mark, and that no one else can use it. Learn more
  • Why are some Trademark Registrations rejected?

    There are five common reasons why Trademark Registrations may be rejected. Learn more
  • Have more questions?
    Visit our Learning Center.